

 明光社就有關傳媒對於「天平村三屍慘案」觸發的「陳健康事件」,曾於10 月31 日在明報刊登廣告呼籲市民一同在一週內罷買罷看有關渲染報道是次事件的報章及電視節目,是次行動在11 月8 日正式結束。

行動過程中不斷有市民致電本社,表示他們的支持及加入行動,截至11 月8 日為止,我們共收到850 多個回應,合共二千三百多人參與「一週罷買罷看行動」。回應人士中,有些自發地發動簽名行動,也有以電話、傳真、電郵等參與及支持本社的行動。行動參與者來自不同群體,包括:社工、學生、家長、教師、學校、婦女、神職人員等。

對於是次行動我們感到滿意。首先,監察不良傳媒是一項長遠工作,需要市民及不同團體投下人力和資源,各方互相配合,聯合不同群體一同施壓及加強傳媒教育工作方能有效果。作為首次「罷買罷看行動」其實已有一定成效,我們不期望需發起另一次類似行動,但此次行動已引起各界關注傳媒的操守問題,而且行動起著教育公眾的目的,讓市民能自覺地保護自己的傳媒╱ 文化空間。同時,因著「一週罷買罷看行動」及公眾的集體指責已使有關傳媒機構近日的報道有所收斂,而蘋果日報更在十一月十日以頭版刊登有關「陳健康事件」的道歉啟事。故此,我們覺得是次行動已收到一定成效。



  1. 在不同界別(社工,教師,學生,記者,基督教)進行問卷調查,並已得到不少團體支持,表示願意代派問卷予他們的會員。
  2. 致廣告界及商界的公開信,請他們在選擇傳媒促銷其商品時,不僅考慮該傳媒的銷量及收視率,也考慮其公信力及操守。
  3. 繼續監察傳媒,若情況沒有改善,不排除向有關傳媒機構請願、集會、遊行及再發起罷買罷看行動等。


  1. 加強市民的傳媒教育工作,特別是中、小學的學生及其家長等。
  2. 本社在來年將舉行不同的講座及訓練課程。
  3. 製作教材套及小冊子等,方便不同人士使用。


  1. 落實執行現存的監察傳媒之條例,並增加有關人手。
  2. 加強在中、小學的傳媒教育工作。
  3. 增撥資源,加強家庭及婚姻的社會服務工作。

「Regarding to 陳健康issues, I think most of the mass media using a wrong to report that issue. Most of them make it just look like a film other than report the truth, so it is totally losing the fact. And even the worst is that some reports in order to make a first hand news, they use the money to make the news. It is really make me very angry, since is that it is still a news or just only a series story. So I am totally to support your action. 」








  「my husband and me will support your actions in boycotting the newspaper and TV shows who report the family tragedy in an irresponsible and unprofessional manner. 」




  「I am F.6 student. I and my whole family, total 3 persons, will stop buying or watching any articles containing inappropriate report with Chan Gin Hong. We all think that public media should have responsibility to provide appropriate report and protect children from unhealthy materials.」




  「I am giving my support from Britain to your announcement which appeared on yesterday's Ming Pao. ...... In fact to get rid of such disgusting TV programs and newspapers is the main reason why I left Hong Kong and emigrated to other country two years ago.」




  「I'm one of Apple Daily's frequent reader. I share your view that the previous news regarding the man who brought the tragedy in Sheung Shui has been improperly reported.」




  「絕對支持這次行動。所謂大報和電子傳媒,應負上應有的報道責任,不要嘩眾取寵, 不要荼毒大眾。」



  「I agree to all of your points. Further more, I feel you miss one more point which I think that is quite important, that is, the mass media did over sympathize the female's role and behaviour. In my point of view, no matter the liaison of the male is right or wrong, but the woman's reaction was absolutely wrong, and it should not be the only or significant disposition. To over exaggerate the guilt of the man inevitably affirmed the female victim's behaviour, that may cause a certain degree of probability for other women to follow such act when they deal with same problem, and especially when they are not in a conscious emotional status.」

N. Ko



  「回歸已一年多,香港不但能夠馬照跑舞照跳,就連那在殖民政府管治下成長的新一代,亦依舊毫無國家觀念!近日亞視拍攝了一齣甚有水準的紀錄片--尋找他鄉的故事,短短數十分鐘的影片,將觀眾的眼界從繁華之都鄺至萬里以外的窮鄉開僻壤;帶領我們盡享安逸的一代到那戰火連天之地去尋找中國同胞的影蹤;筆者滿心歡喜,以為傳媒終能醒覺自己那社會公器的身份,願意承擔起提高香港新一代的身份認同的社會責任;這紀錄片筆者及全家人均甚為鍾愛,甚至將之錄影,於晚膳時間(電視台的黃金時間)重播,重看時各人亦回味不矣!然而,可悲的是那些對社會有正面影響的節目!竟要給那所謂香港熱門話題讓路!為何香港市民的收看電視節目選擇權會被剝削至此!兩間電視台竟同時播映同類型節目,更不止一次的同時播出由他們製造的所謂香港熱門話題!“ 追擊” 與“ 睇真D ” 的時代何時過去呢?請還我黃金時間吧!大部份香港人也十分忙碌,不少更除了吃飯的一小時外,再也找不到其他時間空間去欣賞電視節目,請不要再迫我看那些自製的"Hot issue"!請為我們的新一代設想… … 」




  「I agree with you. … … They believe what they see in the program. Consequently, they react what the program leads without their own  perception. We know that it is a very dangerous phenomenon. Please help us to deliver our advice to the parties concerned - please be  a reporter, a newspaper editor and a TV program organizer with self consciousness for the sake of Hong Kong, and our next generation.」

Ming Pao Reader